Chicago Trip Photo A photo from the trip to Chicago I took with school. The one doing the funny gang symbol is my teacher :). Photo Credit: Justin Eckert
jose November 19, 2006 at 10:20 pm thats under the giant, shiny bean! i was in chicago not that long ago and too pictures under it too 🙂
Nick S. November 24, 2006 at 2:38 pm That boy in the chicago pic with you on the far right is hot! 🙂
Will November 29, 2006 at 8:05 pm I was thinking the same thing as the last person… The guy on the right is HOT. 🙂
thats under the giant, shiny bean! i was in chicago not that long ago and too pictures under it too 🙂
That boy in the chicago pic with you on the far right is hot! 🙂
I was thinking the same thing as the last person… The guy on the right is HOT.
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