I just made this to illustrate a forum post I made. One that prolly won’t even get many views since the forum is a small community. It was to illustrate the topic “WoW hits 10 million. Creators use hundred dollar bills as fish wrap.” World of Warcraft is a crazy money machine. And it seems to be still churning.
Category Archives: Games
RSS feed of your Xbox 360 Achievements.
This Yahoo! Pipes pipe will look at the rss feed for your gamertag from 360voice.com and spit out just the entries where achievements occoured. And it will filter out weekly recaps. This is not an original idea, but it worked out well. And I set up the pipe to accept easy input of your gamertag to use. It is good for places on your own site where you want to bring in a feed of your XBox 360 achievements.
It requires that you are registered with 360voice.com.
<3 Weighted Companion Cube
Master Chief Banana

Halo 3 comes out in a few days! I made this while listening to the latest Bungie Podcast. It’s nothing too fancy, but I found it amusing.
Be sure to hit me up at OwlBoyDotCom if you get it.
Been Playing: Bioshock

Been playing Bioshock this past week… It is an amazing game. I recomend you go pick it up!
‘Spider-man 3 The Game’ Sucks 3 Parts of Ass.
I recently had the displeasure of playing Spider-man 3 The Game on my XBox 360. I had never taken the time to try the last 2 versions of this game when they were out last generation, but I heard good things about them. So when I started hearing reviews about the newest in the line I thought they were just being hard on it because it was not much different from the previous ones.
Nope, this one sucks 3 parts of ass. The camera sucks, and is always spazzing out. The voice acting is lame for most of the characters despite getting the people who portrayed them in the movie to voice the game. You hear the same lines over and over and over. Missions are repetitive and at times stupidly difficult. Like skydiving and jumping onto the top of a speeding car. Along with some fights where the game gives you no way to regain health. The graphics are barely past last generation. The way it makes you watch scenes over and over when you fail at a task, while having dialogs that don’t show the confirmation buttons right away because they assume you will be still smashing the buttons franticly at that point.
The only reason I kept playing was because of the damned achievements! I love achievements, and they kept me playing this frustrating game long past the point I should have. Who ever at Microsoft came up with them is a genius. But damn do they suck when you keep telling your self “ok just one more, then I am done…” and the game you are playing is revolting.
I hear the problems are even worse on the PS3, with all this you have to perform a long install of the game on the PS3 hard drive just to play…
I do have to say, when I first started playing everything seemed ok, and swinging around the city really is fun, but thats about all that I would say good about it.