Category Archives: Music
Caustic & Null Device at the Wisconsin Union – July 6, 2011
Caustic and Null Device playing at the Wisconsin Union on the UW Campus in Madison, WI on July 6th, 2011. It was a free show on an open air stage right on lake Mendota.
Caustic – 666 On The Crucifix
Null Device – Triangular
I shot and edited this as practice to learn and get better at DSLR Video. I hope future ones are even better now that I have some direct experience.
Swinging Through the Summer
I have been having fun the past few weeks. Last week after a trip to Madison with Tim we went to The Show Boat with Tony to see Swing Crew. They are a drinking band from here in Wisconsin, and they play every tuesday during the summer at The Show Boat in Wisconsin Dells. Tim liked them so much he decided to come along to see them during Canal Days on Friday. At one point we got him to go up on stage with them to do a song. He played the Belly Bongo during the song “My Ding-a-ling“. We went and saw them this past Tuesday too, and plan to next Tuesday!

Click to see more!
In other news, I have a job! It is a full time job working in the in-house design team of SVA. I will be mostly doing production work, and a little designing. I think it will be a great opportunity for me to get into the industry and see what it can be like. I start on June 11th. Time to get my sleep schedule fixed! 🙂
In really old events…
I never made a post about the Party my teacher Emmalee had at the end of school for the ViComm students. It was tons’o fun. I learned I like Hummuse and Chunky Guacamole, at least the kinds Emmalee makes. The stuff in the Wikipedia link looks nothing like what she had there.
Afterword I went and hung out with some of the ViComm peeps. That was a blast. Though I now know Fleischman’s can give you a nasty head-ache the next day. I need to find a time to hang out with em again :). Also can’t wait for game night at Emmalee’s.
National Guard – Bought with What.
The other day I was in the cafeteria eatin some lunch and a guy walks up to me and asks if I download music. I stutter some kind of response and he hands me a card and says I can download 10 songs from iTunes with it. Its a card promoting the National Guard. Yeah, giving me free songs really helps me warm up to the idea of going to Iraq. Not.
Anyway, here are the songs I got. I know you have prolly not heard of any of them, and actually I have not either. I found them via the “what others bought” relating to my new favorite group “Soulwax“.
Pie Viper!

A pun about lyrics in “Symphony of Destruction”. (You can hear it near the end of the sample…)
Home by the Sea

Creeping up the blind side, shinning up the wall
Stealing thru the dark of night
Climbing thru a window, stepping to the floor
Checking to the left and the right
Picking up the pieces, putting them away
Something doesn’t feel quite rightHelp me someone, let me out of here
Then out of the dark was suddenly heard
Welcome to the home by the seaComing out the woodwork, thru the open door
Pushing from above and below
Shadows but no substance, in the shape of men
Round and down and sideways they go
Adrift without direction, eyes that hold despair
Then as one they sign and they moanHelp us someone, let us out of here
Living here so long undisturbed
Dreaming of the time we were free
So many years ago
Before the time when we first heard
Welcome to the home by the seaSit down sit down
Sit down sit down sit down
As we relive our lives in what we tell youImages of sorrow, pictures of delight
Things that go to make up a life
Endless days of summer longer nights of gloom
Waiting for the morning light
Scenes of unimportance, photos in a frame
Things that go to make up a lifeHelp us someone, let us out of here
Cos living here so long undisturbed
Dreaming of the time we were free
So many years ago
Before the time when we first heard
Welcome to the home by the seaSit down sit down
Sit down sit down sit down sit down
As we relive out lives in what we tell you
Let us relive out lives in what we tell youSit down sit down sit down
Cos you won’t get away
No with us you will stay
For the rest of your days – sit down
As we relive our lives in what we tell you
Let us relive our lives in what we tell youHome by the Sea – Genesis
One of my favorite Genesis songs. I listened to it about 6 times while making this image (The 12 minute live version from ‘The Way We Walk’).

The Killers
I just found Hot Fuss sitting in my house. I don’t know if it is my little brothers, or moms. Good CD though, I ripped it to iTunes, and put it on my iPod. I also found Pink, but I think I will stay away from that one :).
Oh, and I know my site ain’t very dial-up friendly… sorry to you modem people.