Tag Archives: Flu

Being Sick is Weird.

Being sick is weird. Weird in the way you forget how normal you feel when not sick. Stuff like breathing becomes annoying when it irritates your throat and sinuses. And drinking stuff is hard. It is amazing how un-appetizing something like soda becomes. Even water can taste horrible.

But, thankfully I am feeling better. I started with a cough on Wednesday, it became nasty on thursday. I was up all night throwing up from an irritated queazy stomach from all the mucus I was swallowing (Ewwww). Started feeling a tiny bit better on Friday and my stomach was no longer irritated. And now today I am almost all better. My chest is still real sore from all the coughing etc. So if I find something amusing it causes a small laugh then a few coughs.

Now that I am feeling better, I have to get my video finished. Being sick caused me to miss 3 or so days of time I could use to edit. I think I will be able to get it done, but I won’t have the extra time I expected to refine it. It should all come out acceptable though. I am still confused on why Doug wants to show it in class. It is going to be quite long (already over 1 hour in a rough unfinished cut missing the last weekend of shooting).