Tag Archives: Hoes

Mole Money, Mole Problems.


This video here was an idea I had while listening to this song from the Best of Bootie 2006 mix cd on the way home from school. It is a collection of some of the best mash-ups of that year. The song in question is: ‘The Money Song (Hard-Fi vs. Red Hot Chili Peppers vs. Flying Lizards vs. Abba vs. Jay-Z)’ by team9.

At one point, mis-heard lyrics jumped into my head, and I could not get them out. And then the idea of illustrating these lyrics to make an amusing video followed. So, after about 8 hours of work, some of it late in the night. I present Mole Money, Mole problems.

Special thanks goes to Tony for help with the whore. She would look more like a ‘dirty old grandma’ without him.