Out and About

Desk Calendar with the word AUG on it.

Well, I have not updated in a while (what percent of blogs have a post starting with words like that?) Since the CONvergence post happened. Stuff like a Soul Caliber tournament held by Abby, Kyle moving to Florida, Darryl came back from Iraq again. My brother started college at MATC, and so did Tim. Bill’s mom got married and I was invited to the ceremony. I have also discovered the joy of Doctor Who (2005) and The Dark Night.

I need to update more often, it is hard to remember a good story line for old events. At the SoulCal tournament I did ok playing Rock. Won a few matches. At Darryl’s homecoming party we had some great food, a lot of alcohol and some fun times. I ended up staying up till 7 or so in the morning with Carry’s husband Bill. Second time I have done that. I have discovered how cool the Glass Nickel is.

This post is a bit of a mess/a list/rambling. But I am not sure how else to place it. Now to go draw something for an image to include.

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